Thursday, September 11, 2008

Well-Formed Outcome

I have not been doing blogging for a while as busy designing and deliver a program that meant something for my client. I wanted to write about coaching related topics and knowing I have been stayed out for quite a while this is an opportunity. I will start off with a title as mentioned above. What is Well-Formed Outcome by the way? It sounded like a jargon that came from some where from no where. 

It is the most simplified and easy process of getting from where you are now to some where you want to go. To proceed with well-formed outcome, both coaches and coachee will gauge the distance and differences between present situation and state to desired one.

Where do we want to go?

How can we get there?

What stop us?

What's in our way?

Some of these questions will guide a clear picture in moving away from aversions and toward desired outcomes. This pattern or model uses the key the key components for effectively creating  and reaching a desired outcome. It is all about visioning the outcome. It also allows us to do several important things:

  • By it we hand over responsibility to the client for his or her own plans and life.
  • We set up milestones to measure and confirm progress
  • We set up a directional frame for coaching activities.
  • We set up a process that gives us and the client a leverage for change.

Of course besides doing what mentioned above, we need to identify criteria that defined for a well-formed outcome.

1. Stated and represented Positively- State what you want not as what you do not want. Represent what you will be doing and thinking. Create a movie in your mind of life beyond or after the challenge or problem.

2. Sensory based- Based terms in hearing and now so that your internal movie will be close and immediate. Benchmark the specifics in see-feel-hear actions and behaviors.

3. Contextualized- Describe the contexts of the outcome, when, where, with whom, how often etc.

4. Actions steps and stages- Represent the outcome in terms of processes, the specific steps and stages and behaviors which will

5. Self initiated and maintained- Described the processes and behaviours that within your own control, that you can initiate and maintain.

6. Resources specified- Describe the resources you will need to achieve your outcome, how will you do this?

7. Evidence Procedure- Identify an evidence procedure that will let you know when you have achieved your outcome.

8. Compelling- Describe the outcome in language that you find compelling and motivating. Use the client's actual words and language.

9. Ecologically balanced- Describe your outcome in a way that you recognize as balanced and ecological for all the contexts and relationships of your life.

10. Forecasted in a time frame- Locate on your time line.

I will continue to elaborate further on The Pattern of Well-Formed Outcome in my next posting.

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